Animation Video Marketing Trends 2022

If there’s one thing that the rapid rise of TikTok has taught us, it’s that viewers are mad about video-based content. And recent marketing reports have not only backed this up; they have revealed the unprecedented extent to which video marketing dominates the market.

Written by Jack Last

According to predictions from Cisco, video marketing will hold 82% of this year’s internet traffic.

In fact, did you know that social media videos generate 1200% more shares than their text and image-based rivals?

In this article, we’ll focus on the main animated videos trends that we are witnessing across marketing.

Below, you can find techniques that marketers are predicting to be the ‘next big thing’ in the animation industry for 2022. One thing’s for sure, these are sure to help your brand stand out in 2022.

So, to help you stay on top of the trends, here are the features that we can expect to see more of in 2022’s explainer videos.

Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are used by brands to explain their products or services. The explanation can outline how the product works, how the service works, detail the benefits of purchasing from the company, announce a new product launch, or create a guide to safe use, depending on the brand’s specific requirements.

Explainer videos can be made in any type of video style. But, animated explainer videos in particular are set to be a big trend for 2022.

Animated explainer videos are a core service of OK Social. Our team of animation specialists have extensive experience creating a vast range of different animation styles and types, each with their own unique goals, design features and aesthetic.

This trend was huge throughout 2021, for numerous reasons. In today’s world of ever-advancing digital technologies and innovation, brands continue to create complex services and products.

And in order to maximise their successes, they need to be certain that customers understand what they are doing. Animated explainer videos are one of the most effective and engaging ways to simplify these offerings, in a way that customers understand.

According to HubSpot, if a webpage contains both textual and visual content, 72% of users will prefer using a video to understand the content.

By proactively giving your customers a clear explanation of your product or service, you can present yourself as a considerate brand, while significantly enhancing your user experience.

Alongside this, the bold colours and captivating style of animated explainer videos help brands to stand out in crowded markets. While delivering a practical and highly useful explanation of a service or product, explainer videos are also an invaluable marketing asset.

These videos are creative, on-brand and entertaining to watch. As a result, they also bring the two-fold benefit of improving your key marketing metrics, such as brand image, brand recognition and consumer loyalty.

Thanks to these powerful benefits, in 2022, marketing predictions have set animated explainer video content to continue on its upward trajectory.

This year, we can expect to see even more brands introduce animated explainer videos to their website, social media content and online user guides.

Longer Storytelling to dominate engagement

This year, long-form content has tipped the scales, becoming the way for brands to go about capturing users' engagement.

And why is this the case? To put it simply, storytelling.  

Storytelling is the process of communicating a personable, engaging and on-brand story through their marketing.

The story being told could be a reinvented take on a historic event, a comedic narrative, a story about animals, or a charming, emotive story about friends and family - in essence, anything that gives consumers a better sense of who the brand is and what it stands for.

A great example of this is the CyberFirst Girls campaign that we created for the National Cyber Security Centre. This animation highlights the importance of getting young girls and women interested in IT careers. By launching a competition aiming to support and engage girls at school, the National Cyber Security Centre demonstrates its socio-conscious values, and portrays the brand as a progressive, caring company.  

You can never underestimate the importance of brands telling a story through their marketing. Through storytelling, companies can connect with their customers, and get their target market on board with what they are doing.

Plus, by creating marketing campaigns that focus on a raw, authentic message, brands can significantly increase customer loyalty rates.

Although you may be concerned about the extra cost of creating longer videos, this is where you can really utilise the benefits of animation. The great thing about animation is it is far cheaper than live-action videos, as a method for delivering an engaging video.

Traditional industries adopting new marketing methods

As recently as last year, animation was the domain of more youthful and daring industries. It was predominately these more innovative businesses, with younger target markets and teams alike, that were predominately utilising animated videos.

However, in 2022, more and more older industries are rethinking their marketing. This year, we can expect to see businesses in the sectors of banking, finance, legal, pharmaceutical and education invest in animated videos.

In order to expand their audience and reach new, younger demographics, these companies are

spending more time than ever exploring animated video content, as a key strategy to elevate their marketing.

A great example of this is American Express, and their Business Class video series, which use a trendy animation style, illustrated in the brand’s characteristic blue colours.

Another highly successful instance of old industries adopting animation is Santander’s use of the Virtual Bank animation, in which they feature the A-list duo Ant and Dec in a pixelated, retro animation style.

Virtual Reality Animation

Over the past few years, virtual reality has taken the world by storm. And in 2022, its rise in popularity is showing no signs of stopping.

A recent HubSpot article revealed that the VR and augmented reality market is predicted to have an economic impact of $29.5 billion.

The world of VR has already collided with that of animation, as industry innovators saw an opportunity to expand animation’s horizons even further.

With products like the Oculus now widely available, brands are primed and ready to seize this opportunity for innovation. Already, we’ve seen marketing giants like Adidas and McDonald’s introduce bold new VR advertising initiatives.

Now, as brands and businesses look for ever-bolder ways to engage with customers, we will see virtual reality animation featured in marketing campaigns across all industries.

Why work with an animation agency like OK Social?

As consumers spend more time across handheld devices, the potential rewards for marketers have never been higher. But, at the same time, there’s never been more competitors jostling against each other.

Capturing their attention has, at once, become more difficult and more exciting than ever before.  

In order to give your brand the edge over its competitors, you need to demonstrate an awareness of current trends, style, creativity and innovation.

And that’s where animation agencies come in.

At OK Social, we are a specialist animation agency that has worked with agencies in every size, scope and sector imaginable.

Our talented team of animators have an extensive knowledge of the latest animation trends, and the best way to engage different target markets.

Working closely with you, we will create a bespoke and on-trend animation, which is specifically geared to hit all of your specific KPIs.

To find out more about the benefits that our animation services can bring to your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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I’m Jack, the Motion Director here at OK Social. I’ve been working in the world of motion design and animation for nearly 10 years. I had the pleasure of working with leading agencies and brands around the world, such as Samsung, Ford, Shell, Deliveroo, and Starbucks, to name a few.

From a young age, I’ve always been interested in animation, from making stop-motion films in my room as a kid to learning animation on my first computer. It started as a passion and still is to this day. Part of what I do now is more than just animation. I help craft the narratives of the stories we tell to ensure they make an impact to the audience and remain worthy of their attention.

So how do I do that? It starts with asking the right questions, leading to solving the right problems. First, diagnose what the problem is. Then, we can start to see if we can help. I believe that communication plays a key role in delivering a smooth and successful project. Looking into the future, I’m excited to expand my knowledge into creating more engaging stories that make a difference.