What to look for in your motion graphic design agency

The world is full of talented creatives. A quick Google of motion graphic design agencies will pull back hundreds, if not thousands, of results. All of which will have their own unique style, strengths and services.

Written by Jack Last

So, it quickly becomes clear that a simple internet search won’t cut the mustard. Although it will help you find a good motion graphic design agency, it’s very unlikely that it’ll give you the best fit for your business.

If you want to create graphic design that really knocks it out of the park, you need to find a motion graphics studio that ticks all your boxes.

Beyond simply delivering a professional and cost-effective service, your search for a motion graphic agency should consider styles, aesthetics, the skill of the script writers and the entertainment value of their current portfolio.

Narrow down your search based on these key areas, and you’ll reap all the benefits that come with a modern, engaging and on-brand motion graphic.

If you’re just about to start your search, hold fire for a moment - you’ll want to read these tips.

Below, our team of motion graphic design specialists have shared their expert advice for choosing a motion graphic design agency. Below, you can find out more about the range of services that agencies offer, what you should be looking for, and the benefits of enlisting an agency to create your digital assets.


What is a motion graphic design agency?

The simple answer? They create bespoke motion graphics.

The nitty gritty of it? Motion graphic design agencies work alongside brands to create video content that boosts traffic, increases engagement and attracts new audiences, through an on-brand, dynamic and design-led digital asset.

Working closely with the client, the motion graphic will be completely bespoke, made to fulfil all of the brand’s specific requirements. These key deliverables could be based on metrics - such as customer retention, click-through rate, social media followers, customer conversion, or website traffic - cover the design and feel of the motion graphics, or a combination of both.

Motion graphic design agencies are made up of a team of creative professionals, with expertise spanning all areas of the design process. These include specialist script writers, illustrators, voice over artists, animators and directors - all of which will be at your disposal.

They have the skills needed to create a vast range of types of digital content. They can create assets especially designed for websites, social media, adverts or online shops - in essence, whatever you require.

Furthermore, with the skills of a motion graphics design agency on hand, you’ll soon see just how versatile motion graphics are. As a communication tool, they are highly popular, and are deployed across a wide range of different use cases. These include (but aren’t limited to) product videos, explainer videos, product launches, tutorials, advertisements and eye-catching social media posts.

Why work with a motion graphic design agency?

A motion graphic agency has the creative skill and experience required to deliver any of the requirements listed above. What’s more, they can advise you on your specific business context.

This asset won’t just be created with your brand’s unique image in mind, but it’ll be also directly geared to achieving the goals that you need it to. With their help, you can create a motion graphic that achieves all of the targets you’ve set.

Without a doubt, enlisting a motion graphic agency is the best way to achieve the best return on your time and investment. Without their expertise, you’ll never know the true power of digital assets.  

In addition to the statistical side of things, you’ll also be able to unlock a far higher quality of content. By working with talented creatives, your new digital assets will be stylish, modern, engaging and on-brand - everything that your brand needs to stand out amongst the crowded digital marketplace.

The rise of video content has been reported by a huge range of trend analysts. And the findings are pretty unbelievable.

For instance, in 2020, 96% of online consumers watched more online videos. Thanks to their engaging layout and easy-watching,  72% of customers prefer to learn about products and services through videos. And they’ve proven to be highly successful - a whopping 84% of consumers have decided to purchase a product or service solely because of a brand’s video.

The great thing about this is that videos are a two-way benefit - not only do they achieve brilliant benefits for brands, but customers enjoy receiving content this way. So much so, that 54% of us want brands that we like to provide more video content.

To summarise, the top-line benefits of working with a motion graphic design agency are:

● Create sophisticated, elegant and on-trend digital content

● Ensure your motion graphics are fully on-brand

● Make sure that the message is clear and easy to follow

● Seek professional guidance across the entire creation process

● Enjoy complete flexibility, and request changes whenever required - you’re in control throughout!

● Improve the customer experience across your digital platforms

● Present a more modern and stylish brand image

● Attract new customers to your website

● Increase website and/or social media traffic

● Improve your customer conversion rate

● Boost brand awareness and brand recognition

● Use motion graphics to improve your business performance, in the specific areas that you require

Beyond this, there are also a number of key, industry-specific benefits that your company will be able to access through this collaboration. Let’s delve into these a little deeper…

How can eCommercebrands benefit from working with a motion graphics studio?

 Whatever product or service you offer, working with a motion graphic design agency is a fantastic investment.

With an eye-catching engaging piece of motion graphics - which is clearly but stylishly branded - eCommerce businesses can attract customers (Both new and existing) and improve their performance across a vast range of key metrics.

For instance, if your motion graphic is designed to promote a new product, this entertaining choice of medium will make it far more likely that customers will see, and be interested in, your product. You’ll be able to achieve a more youthful and dynamic brand image, while simultaneously boosting your brand’s outreach.

Alternatively, if the graphic is delivering an explainer video or product tutorial, then your customers will find it infinitely easier to understand any key messages that you need to communicate. This is a great way to improve customer retention and customer experience. Click the link to see more examples of explainer videos in context.

How can TV studio production companies benefit?

Our previous work for the BBC’s A Perfect Planet is a great example of the ways that a motion graphics agency can support TV studio production companies.

For this project, we created social cutdowns and posts to promote the new series. Throughout, we worked alongside the client to leverage clips of TV footage, then edited and adapted the content, before adding subtitles and title graphics to create the maximum possible engagement levels.

Motion graphics are a highly effective strategy for building programme awareness. With them, you can get audiences excited about an upcoming programme - conveying its story in an engaging way, without revealing too much!

How can corporate companies benefit?

When it comes to increasing profits, motion graphics promise a fantastic return on investment.

As we mentioned above, this form of digital media is a particularly valuable tool, which can be leveraged to achieve the main deliverables and targets that your company has set.

These include increasing traffic, attracting new customers and retaining existing ones, increasing brand recognition and, across the board, making it more likely that a customer will purchase from your company.

Thanks to their power to engage audiences, these videos are a remarkable addition to marketing and promotional campaigns.

All in all, these videos promise to improve customers’ perception of and experience with your brand.

What to look for in a motion graphic design agency?

Now that you’re sold on the value of working with specialist motion graphic creators, the only question that remains unanswered is how you should choose the right agency to work with.

Straight away, there are a number of requirements that we’d recommend prioritising on your search, these are:

● Experience and a proven track record

● Excellent demonstration of project management

● A number of previous design projects, and an extensive online portfolio

● A multi-faceted and collaborative team

● A broad visual range for its projects

● Demonstrates the ability to understand your company’s needs, as well as those of your audiences

Then, once you’ve found potential agencies that tick all these boxes, you can narrow down your search further by considering these key pointers:

1. What is their signature style / aesthetic? As with any artist, all motion design companies have their own unique style. So, what do you like about this specific agency’s work? Does it align with the visual strategy you have for your brand?

2. What range of services do they offer? Do they offer a range of social media, website and advertisement-based video services?

3. Look at the brands in their portfolio. A client list of major companies is a great indicator of quality.

4. Do they sound eager to hear your vision? Give the agency a call, and see how responsive they are to your ideas and goals for the project.

5. Check out the skillset of the team. Ideally, a motion graphic agency will be able to offer you specialist script writing, direction, brand strategy, animation, style and design advice.

Why choose OK Social as your motion graphic agency?

At OK Social, we have been chosen as the motion graphic agency of some of the biggest brands in the UK.

We have received extensive acclaim for our creativity, wealth of expert knowledge, the wide range of skills within our team, and the attention to detail that we bring to every single project.

Our motion graphic designers work on a one-to-one basis with each client. Through regular update meetings, we shape the project according to the client’s exact requirements, while delivering our own signature bold design and innovative concepts.

We skillfully fuse colour, images, illustration and sound into one seamless piece of motion graphics, which will engage your audience in a way that no other medium can.

To find out more about our range of services, or to enlist OK Social as your motion graphic design agency, chat to our team today.

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I’m Jack, the Motion Director here at OK Social. I’ve been working in the world of motion design and animation for nearly 10 years. I had the pleasure of working with leading agencies and brands around the world, such as Samsung, Ford, Shell, Deliveroo, and Starbucks, to name a few.

From a young age, I’ve always been interested in animation, from making stop-motion films in my room as a kid to learning animation on my first computer. It started as a passion and still is to this day. Part of what I do now is more than just animation. I help craft the narratives of the stories we tell to ensure they make an impact to the audience and remain worthy of their attention.

So how do I do that? It starts with asking the right questions, leading to solving the right problems. First, diagnose what the problem is. Then, we can start to see if we can help. I believe that communication plays a key role in delivering a smooth and successful project. Looking into the future, I’m excited to expand my knowledge into creating more engaging stories that make a difference.